Searching for voucher codes can Definatly Help you save money. Currently I am on the search for items to take to blogher. I am on the lookout for Luggage...and a new purse...and a computer bag...and a few new outfits! I am having a hard time trying to figure out what to wear. I have never been to a conference this big. So I am open to all suggestions.
Everyone says that I need to dress like me. Well, me.. I'm always in a work uniform (I work 7 days a week) - so I can not dress like me. And everything that I had in my closet is about 2 sizes too big. If I am not in a work uniform, I can be found in T-Shirt and Jeans... But I feel that a conference this big needs something a little more. Like a nice pair of slacks or a really cute top. I did find a sundress that will look cute for some of the parties that I am hoping to go to. But I still need some more items. So off to the internet I need to go for coupons or gift codes. I am wanting to shop like money means nothing - but pay as little as possible.
What is your favorite site to find great deals on clothing?